Isla's Mission
Isla Montessori believes in an authentic Montessori approach to education that assists children in navigating through
self, community, environmental, and cultural awareness so that they can become exceptional humans.
We commit to a partnership with our island community as resources in creating conscious and well-rounded individuals.
I Mission I Isla Montessori
I Isla Montessori manhonggi gi magåhit yan kabålis na filosofian edukasion Montessori ni para u asisti i famagu'un kumumprendi siha, i kumiunidå, i håfa guaha gi uriyan-ñiha gi tanu', yan i kuttura, kosa ki siña u fan sen måolik na tåotåogui. In kumiti ham para bain fan danña ya i kumiunidan i isla sa' båli na guinahan tånu' esti para umana'setbi para u tungu' yan u sienti i patgun håfa ha chocho'gui yan para u "well rounded" na indibiyu'åt.
Alléghúl Isla Montessori
Isla Montessori e ghi lúghúlúgh lóll alléghúl yaal Montessori ngáli edukasion bwe re bwe asissitiir olighát lóll yaar mwóghutughut ngáli ii, towlap, wele arol, me e bwe allúghuw kko bwe re bwe toori ghatch aramasal wóól falúw. Si bwe alléghúghisch me si bwe schuufengal me aramasal toowlap me fééri lúghúwtiw yaasch tepengiir aramasal falúw.