School - Parent Partnership
Our Commitment to You​
We will get to know each individual child by learning his/her passions, strengths and challenges and helping him/her navigate through his/her social and emotional growth (Self Awareness).
We will help your child navigate through conflict resolutions, become an active contributor to the community and hold him/her accountable for his/her choices (Community Awareness).
We will assist your child in navigating his/her physical world and develop his/her understanding of how his/her decisions and lives affect the earth, the Island, and the school. (Environmental Awareness).
We will facilitate your child's navigation through a world which is rich with many different cultures, encouraging him/her to celebrate his/her own while respecting those of others (Cultural Awareness).​
Your Commitment to the School​
You will set clear and logical limits for your child at home which will foster his/her success in honoring limits within the broader society (Self Awareness).
Your child will contribute to caring for him/herself and have responsibilities that contribute to the life of your family(Community Awareness).
You will foster experiences and practices that respect the Island and our earth (Environmental Awareness).
You will set an example of respect towards all cultures and share your own with your child (Cultural Awareness).
I Dinannia' I Iskuela yan I Mañainan i Famagu'un
I Kinimitin-måmi giya hamyu
Bain tingu' kada unu na påtgun ginin i ayudun-måmi anai in gigiha siha gi lina'la'-ñiha gi iyun-ñiha "social" yan "emotional growth," ya ginin esti lokkui`' ni bain tingu' i iyun-ñiha "passions, strengths" yan "challenges." (Self Awareness)
Bain ayuda i patgun-miyu para u tungu' chumachalåni taimanu mañåtba ginaddun yan tikinemprendi, para u tungu' mañetbi chaddik gi kumiunidå, yan para u risponsåpbli nu i håfa inayek-ña para u cho'gui. (Community Awareness)
Bain asisti i patgun-miyu gi chachalån-ña/hinanåo-ña gi tanu' ya u establesi i kinimprenden-ña put taimanu i disision-ña yan i lina'lå'-ña ha afefe'-ta i tanu', i isla, yan i iskuela. (Environmental Awareness)
Bain ayuda tumutuhun i chachalån-ña/hinanåo-ña i patgun-miyu gi tanu' ni' guaha meggai na klåsin kuttura, anai siña ha silebra i kutturå-ña yan gi mismu tiempu u rispeta i kutturan i ottru. (Cultural Awareness)
I Kinimitin-miyu giya hami
Na in na'guaha klåru yan risunåpbli na areklamentu gi gima' ni siña i patgun ha honra i areklamentu gi halum i "broader society." (Self Awareness)
Na i patgun u gaipatti gi idanahi-ña nu guiya yan u guaha risponsibilidåt-ña manayuda gi lina'la' i familiåm-mu. (Community Awareness)
Na in ayuda muna'guaha ikspirensia yan cho'chu' ni ha rispepeta i isla yan i tanu' iniråt. (Environmental Awareness)
Na in na'guaha mudelun rispetu kontra todu kuttura siha ya in na'lå'la' i kutturan-miyu lokkui' gi i pagun-miyu. (Cultural Awareness)
Iil me Saam-fengál me Gakko
Yáámem Apelúghúgh Ngálúgh​
Ai bwe reepiya alongéér áát lóll yaar akkabwu me reepiya mille ebwe ghatch ngaliir reel yaar re bwe ghuleey me reepiya meeta iye e bwe ghatch ngáli yaar fárágh ló mmwal. (Self Awareness)
Ai bwe alisi áte iye loomw yaal essóbw weires lóll yaal mweteló mmwal me e bwe reepiya meeta e bwe fééri leir towlap e bwe fééri me lóll tipal. (Community Awareness)
Ai bwe alisi loomw yaal mwóghut reel e bwe fééri me wóól falúw e bwe reepiya meeta tipal reel malawal me iye essobw ghula sumwaay me wóól falúw me lóll immwal meteitei. (Environmental Awareness)
Ai bwe abwúngú áte iye loomw e bwe reepiy me mweteló mmwal wóól alongal kkool falúw me e bwe awóóy kkoor bwal aramasal wóól ééw falúw. (Cultural Awareness)
Yóómw Apélúghúgh Ngáli Gakko​
Yeel u bwe affata meeta áát iye loomw e bwe fééri me essóbw fééri lóll iimw bwe e bwe fééri mille e bwung me e bwe abwári ngáliir aramas towlap. (Self-Awareness)
Loomw áát e bwe abwári bwe e bwe fééri yaal responibilidad me e bwe abwári ló ngáliir familia. (Community Awareness)
Yeel u bwe tepengi me alléghúw meeta yaar féfféér me yaal a wóówó wóól ngáli falúw. (Environmental Awareness)
Yeel u bwe fééri me abwáári ngáli awóówó kka e bwúng me loll alongal kko me e bwe reepiya igha e schuwel olighát schagh. (Cultural Awareness)